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Journal of Hungarian Geomathematics, Vol1, 2003
T. M. Tóth: Spatial alaysis of uncertain thermobarometric data: Application to the Swiss Central Alps
Gy, Bárdossy: Geomathematics in Hungarian Geology
E. Cameron, G.F.Peloso: A precautionary groundwater pollution potential assessment aided by a fuzzy logic system
Gy. Bardossy, I.R. Szabó, G. Varga: A new method of resource estimation for bauxite and other solid mineral deposits
E. Jarauta-Bragulat, C. Hervada-Sala, A. M. Diblasi: An experimental comparison of cokriging of regionalised compositional data using four different methods. Case study: Bauxites in Hungary
L. Cserepes: Geophysics and Geomathematics in Hungary