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Workshop Palaeosoil Analysis in Late Glacial Sandy Terrains Across Europe


First Circular Workshop on Palaeosoil Analysis in Late Glacial Sandy Terrains Across Europe INQUA Project PAST (TERPRO commission)
When: 5–7 May 2025
Where: The Special Nature Reserve "Deliblato Sands", Serbia (Protected by UNESCO)

About the Workshop The multidisciplinary international team of the INQUA Project PAST invites you to participate in a workshop focused on Late Glacial palaeosoils in sandy terrains across Europe. This workshop will be held in the unique and protected environment of the Deliblato Sands, Serbia. The overarching goal of PAST is to take first steps in building a comprehensive Upper Pleistocene palaeosoil database from dunes and sandy terrains across Europe. This single-year INQUA project aims to lay the foundation for a future multi-year research initiative. The workshop will therefore focus on the southern Pannonian Basin as a starting point for this ambitious endeavour. We foresee a 3-day workshop: 1.5 days of presentations followed by 1.5 days of field trips. The exact planning might be subject to the number of presentations that will be received. Participants are invited to submit an abstract that is in line with the PAST objectives, but attending without presenting an abstract is also possible.

Key Details • Registration Fee: Free of charge (includes coffee breaks). • Participation Options: o In-person attendance at the Plava Dama Hotel facilities (Banatski Karlovac, Serbia). o Online participation will be offered. • Excursions: o Labudovo Okno, Dubovac, and Grabovac (free of charge).

Important Deadlines • 20 March 2025: Registration and abstract submission deadline. • 1 April 2025: Second circular with a detailed program.

Registration Registration can be done through the PAST website: registration form.