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EFG webinárium szeptember 25.


Kedves Tagtársak!

Az EFG webináriumot szervez szeptember 25-re virtuális terepgyakorlatok témában. 

Regisztráció az alábbi linken:


A rendezvény angol nyelvű, ingyenes és regisztrációhoz kötött.


The European Federation of Geologists, as a partner of the TRIPGIFT Erasmus+ project, is thrilled to organise a webinar to present the three geoscience virtual field trips developed within the project using cutting-edge virtual reality and augmented reality technologies.


The three virtual field trips are:

Pantelikon Marble Virtual Field Trip
Samaria Gorge Virtual Field Trip
Thunder Virtual Field Trip


After the presentation of the virtual field trips, there will be an interesting roundtable discussion about virtual and augmented reality in geoscience education.

Discover how immersive geoscience learning can be. Don’t miss the chance to explore the future of geoscience education!

When: 25 September, 2024, 16:00-19:00 CEST (Brussels Time)
Where: Online
Free Event

Participants can request a Certificate of Attendance