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International Conservation and Science Conference
Kedves Érdeklődők!
Szeretnénk figyelmükbe ajánlani egy idén októberben megrendezésre kerülő konferenciát, melynek címe: „The Role of Diagnostics in Art and Heritage Conservation: Focusing on SEM Analysis”. A konferencián szó lesz a különféle nagyműszeres technológiákról, a műtárgyon/festett rétegben található szerves és szervetlen fázisokról, és azok műszeres vizsgálatáról. Bővebben: https://www.mfab.hu/icons-2024/
A konferencia keretein belül lehetőség van poszter beküldésére is, mely részleteit az alábbi felhívás tartalmazza:
The Role of Diagnostics in Art and Heritage Conservation: Focusing on SEM Analysis
Call for poster session
We invite submissions to the poster session of the 2nd International Conservation and Science Conference in 2024 (IConS 2024) https://www.mfab.hu/icons-2024/ . The poster session is an opportunity to present shorter, early results, and for researchers from different disciplines to share both unpublished and previously published work with one another and with the science community.
The title of the Conference will be: The Role of Diagnostics in Art and Heritage Conservation: Focusing on SEM Analysis.
We kindly ask you to send and abstract for your poster (maximum 2000 character count with space) to dalma.lukacs@szepmuveszeti.hu . The deadline of sending an abstract is 04 Aug. All abstract submitted go through the same review process. We will send you a notification by 2 August after your abstract has been accepted. Please, send the posters to the above email address by August 19. We reserve the right to make changes. The best posters will be rewarded with a free conference ticket.
Venue: National Museum Conservation and Storage Centre (OMRRK), Building C
H-1135 Budapest, Vágány utca 4.
Date: 3-4 October, 2024.
The poster section will be held on Thursday, 3 October 2024 5.30 p.m with an Ice Break Party.
The abstract template is avaiable.