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1st Online ProGEO Seminar on Geodiversity and Geoheritage

Kedves ProGEO-sok!
2023. november 23-án 16:30-kor a ProGEO szakosztály az ELTE IK Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Intézetének online segítségével nemzetközi előadóülést szervez angol nyelven. A meghívott előadók Lucie Kubalíková (Csehország) és Jack Matthews (Egyesült Királyság).
Csatlakozni (MS Teams) ide kattintva lehet: https://shorturl.at/iERVW
Az előadások és összefoglalóik:
Lucie Kubalíková (The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geonics): Geoconservation and geotourism in urban areas – conflicts of interest or a chance to balancing the needs of nature and society?
Geoconservation in urban areas has some specifics, as it needs to be balanced with higher pressure from human society, territorial development, and other demands on the landuse. In contrast, developing geotourist and geoeducational activities in urban areas sometimes seems easier than developing them in remote areas, primarily thanks to already existing infrastructure, better accessibility, or more diverse target groups. The essential role in designing such activities is represented by intense links between geodiversity and culture, which may contribute to a better understanding of geodiversity’s importance, wider acceptance of geoconservation efforts, and better rational use of abiotic resources. These topics and issues will be presented and discussed within the context of the City of Brno (Czechia) and its close surroundings.
Jack Matthews (Charnwood Forest Geoheritage Conservation & Interpretation Officer): Exogeoconservation: A New Frontier for the Conservation of Geoheritage
Geoconservation is an increasingly widely adopted theoretical, practical and administrative approach to the protection of geological and geomorphological features of special scientific, functional, historic, cultural, aesthetic, or ecological value. Protected sites on Earth include natural rocky outcrops, shorelines, river banks, and landscapes, as well as human-made structures such as road cuts and quarries exposing geological phenomena. However, geoconservation has rarely been discussed in the context of other rocky and icy planets, rings, moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, or comets, which present extraordinarily diverse, beautiful, and culturally, historically and scientifically important geological phenomena.
With space exploration and exploitation likely to accelerate in the coming decades, a framework will be required that balances the aspirations of extraterrestrial developers with the need to conserve sites of significance. Here we propose to adapt geoconservation strategies for protecting the geological heritage of these celestial bodies, and introduce the term ‘exogeoconservation’ and other associated terms for this purpose. We argue that exogeoconservation is acutely necessary for the scientific exploration and responsible stewardship of celestial bodies, and suggest how this might be achieved and managed by means of international protocols. We stress that such protocols must be sensitive to the needs of scientific, industrial, and other human activities, and not unduly prohibitive. By modifying established practices on Earth, Exogeoconservation provides a roadmap forward that can potentially balance the competing interests as humanity increasingly turns its attention towards space exploration.
Pál Márton