Előadás december 5. Ultramafic geosystems


2023.12.05. 12:00


European Mineralogical Union


Az Európai Ásványtani Egyesület meghív minden kedves érdeklődőt az ultramafikus földtani rendszerekkel kapcsolatos online előadásra. a részletek az angol összefoglalóban olvashatók.


The European Mineralogical Union (EMU) invites you to an on-line lecture of the 2022 EMU Research Excellence Medal recipient, Dr. Jakub Kierczak from the University of Wrocław, Poland, titled Ultramafic geosystems as a source of metallic elements to the environment (annotation below).

The lecture will be held on 5th December 2023 at 12:00 CET on-line via Zoom. Please register in advance at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tc-iqqz8sE9SnlVT2brZEa1hwCN9Ab6p1 and you'll immediately receive a direct link to the meeting.

You can also join the Facebook event at: https://fb.me/e/2SfppdIKA


Annotation: Ultramafic rocks and associated soils are especially enriched in Ni, Cr and Co. Strict legislative limits are established for maximum allowable concentrations of these metals in soils. However, ultramafic soils are a natural phenomenon where increased metal content is not the result of pollution, but rather referred to as a peculiar geochemical background, therefore there is no reason for their remediation. At the same time, it is not easy to find ultramafic soil that does not overstep the limits. The presentation will not only focus on the total metal content of ultramafic rocks and soils. The mobility and bioavailability of these metals will also be addressed. Since ultramafic substrates can vary in mineral composition, the main focus of the presentation will be to answer whether the type of ultramafic rock affects the bioaccessibility of metals in ultramafic soils. In addition, the presentation will also address questions related to the fate of metallic elements during carbonation of ultramafic rocks.