Geológusnők figyelmébe


Tisztelt Tagtársnők!

Az Amerikai Geológus szövetség geológusnők képeit keresi egy októberi konferencia előadásához. A részletek alább olvashatók.

The Geological Society of American (GSA) and Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) are looking for photos of women geoscientists as part of their Pardee Keynote Symposia “P2. Spotlight on Positive and Diverse Female Role Models” which will be held at the GSA Connects 2023 Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Monday, 16 October, from 1:30 PM through 5:30 PM.  Pardee Keynote Symposia - Connects 2023 (

The goal is to demonstrate that there are diverse females working in all branches of geoscience across the globe in the office, lab, field and classroom. The photos will be shown in the session (which will be live streamed), and in the Women in Geology Mentor Program Reception after the session, to illustrate to the next generation the depth and breadth of female geoscientists. ALL branches of geosciences are welcome to participate!

If you would like to participate submit the following to

  • Two .jpg photos of you at work or play, cropped to a square and saved using your name
  • Include your name, occupation, employer and your location in the email

More information: Abigail Burt,