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Rare Earth Elements (REE) value chain gaps and opportunities in the ADRIA region
május 4. 9:00
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A ritkaföldfémek témájában online workshopot szerveznek a RECO2MAG projekt keretén belül.
Az esemény felhívása itt olvasható:
As part of the European project RECO2MAG, we are organizing an online workshop “Rare Earth Elements (REE) value chain gaps and opportunities in the ADRIA region”, which is intended primarily for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, but also for scientists, professionals and policy makers. The workshop will be held on Thursday, May 4, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The workshop is free of charge, it will be in English, and interested students can also register for a longer version with an assignment, where they can earn 1 ECTS point.
You can register here