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Laura Creon angol nyelvű előadása az LRG szervezésében


MÁRCIUS 6. – Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry – Applications to geosciences, and environmental sciences

Laura Creon, geológus, a CAMECA termék képviselőjének angol nyelvű előadása a Litoszféra Fluidum Kutató Laboratórium szervezésében.

Időpont: 2023.03.06. 16:00 - 17:00

Helyszín: Zoom, továbbá, élő közvetítés az ELTE TTK Déli Tömb Sztrókay termében (1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. stny 1/C, room 00-708),

Regisztráció (személyes és online részvétel esetén is): https://forms.gle/zuX3R6zx8ffFDx9Y6



Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (D-SIMS) is one of the most sensitive elemental and isotopic analysis technique allowing surface analysis, imaging and depth profiling. The SIMS technique provides a unique combination of extremely high sensitivity for all elements from Hydrogen to Uranium and above (detection limit from ppm down to ppb level), high lateral resolution imaging, and a very low background that allows high dynamic range. We will demonstrate the benefits of this technique through a series of practical cases taken from geosciences and environmental science publications of the last few years.


Laura Creon received her PhD in Geosciences, Natural Resources and Environment in 2015 at IFP Energies Nouvelles and Pierre & Marie Curie University in a collaboration with the ELTE Lithosphere Fluid Research Lab. She then pursued her research work at the Institut Néel, Centro de Geociencias of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, LPG of Le Mans University and IMPMC of Sorbonne University. In 2019, she joined the industry as the French Manager of the X-ray Tomography activity. Her professional background, focused on analysis, allowed her to join CAMECA as SIMS Product Manager in May 2022.


Since the formation of the Lithosphere Fluid Research Laboratory (LRG) in 1998, the group led by Csaba Szabó published more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications, 30 PhD theses and more than 50 TDK and OTDK winning student theses. In their scientific work, the students of the LRG cover broad areas of geochemistry of the lithosphere and its fluids, such as fluid and melt inclusions in various geological environments, petrology of the lower crust and the upper mantle, geological storage of CO2 and H2, the source and fate of radon, or environmental and urban geochemistry of former industrial centers. The LRG initiated this seminar series in 2019, to invite former student of the laboratory (who are now accomplished scientists) to present their research to the next generation of geochemists.

To participate (in person or online) please register on the following link:
