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CETEG és HunTek 2023.04.12-15. Kazincbarcika


2023. április 12-15.

Helyszín: Kazincbarcika



Tisztelt Tagtársunk, Érdeklődők!

Örömmel értesítjük, hogy A CETEG-HUNTEK konferenciákat idén összevonva, hazánkban rendezik.

A jelentkezés határideje: 2023. március 15.

A konferencia honlapja:



You are cordially invited to the upcoming 19th Central European Tectonic Group /CETEG/ Meeting in Hungary HUNTEK-2023 -26th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group (ČTS)


From rifted margin to subduction, nappe stacking and basin formation with special focus on Permo-Mesozoic structural and stratigraphic evolution of the Inner Western Carpathians (NE Hungary, S Slovakia)


The umbrella topic definitely and automatically incorporate other orogens, which represent the study area of our divers research groups, including, for example, Norway, Bohemia, Mongolia and others. Syn to post-orogenic basin formation (like the Pannonian Basin) is also part of the themes.

All disciplines of geosciences are highly welcome ranging from field geology through geophysics, sedimentology, palaeontology, petrology, geochemistry, geomorphology, basin analysis and all others, all having implications on structural and geodynamic problems. The conference particularly invites methodological talks, analogue and computer modelling aiming the better understanding of tectonic processes.

Participation of young scientists is highly supported. This conference has its primary goal to offer possibilities for master and PhD students and young researchers for both oral and poster presentations. We thus kindly ask leaders of research groups to encourage the youngster to come and participate with their results.

The conference will include two field trips, as usual (first and last days of the conference). The focus will be put on (1) Triassic evaporite tectonics; in this topic we have new results which changed our view on the Cretaceous structural evolution, (2) Jurassic stratigraphy, sedimentology, mainly in the Telekesoldal Unit, (3) structural and metamorphic characters of the Jurassic and Triassic of the Rudabánya Hills, (4) Cretaceous nappe stacking in the whole realm, including the (5) problem of the origin and emplacement of the Silica nappe.


Preliminary program

Arrival 11th April

April 12th Pre-conference field trip: From rifted margin to nappe stacking: Permo-Mesozoic structural evolution of the Aggtelek and northern Rudabánya Hills.

The excursion will start and end in Kazincbarcika, buses will be provided.

            Evening: Welcome party (HBH Sörház)

April 13th Oral and poster scientific sessions

            Evening: wine and pálinka tasting

April 14th Oral and poster scientific sessions

Evening: Conference dinner and evening party (Ambrózia Restaurant)

April 15th Post-conference field trip: From Triassic rifted margin sequences to Jurassic deep marine sediments: nappe stacking in the southern Rudabánya and Aggtelek margins

Homepage: https://echelon.natur.cuni.cz/ceteg/index.php/conference-details

The CETEG registration is open. On the homepage, you can find the necessary information to register, plan a contribution, plan your trip and arrange payment.


Abstract submission is also open, as part of the registration process.

Here is the summary:

Registration deadline: 15th March

Registration fees (payment deadline 20th March):

Professional: 225 €

Student (BSc, MSc, PhD): 150 €

Excursion fees: 40 and 30 € for pre- and post-conference excursions


Accommodation is not included in the registration fee, however, different options are offered during the registration process. All the information about lodging and prices is available on the homepage. However, you can arrange accommodation completely separately in town or nearby.


See you in Hungary!

Invite colleges, students as well!