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Thermal and Geochemical Effects of Impacts on Early Earth - online előadóülés október 20-án. Előadó: Oleg Abramov (Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, AZ, USA):
Tisztelt Tagtársak, Érdeklődők!
Date: Oct 20, 2022 (Thursday) 14:00
Oleg Abramov (Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, AZ, USA): Thermal and Geochemical Effects of Impacts on Early Earth
We use a three-dimensional thermal model to predict the age evolution of the Earth's crust from impacts in the time interval 4.5 to 3.5 Ga. Bombardment population parameters including delivered mass and impact flux decay are taken from dynamical studies as well as geochemical and geophysical constraints. We compare our bombardment simulation results to the age spectra published for the Hadean (pre-3.85 Ga) terrestrial zircon record. Results suggest that late accretion bombardment is unlikely to be the dominant process in modulating ages of Hadean zircons except perhaps very early in the planet's history.
The seminar will be held live in the Detre hall with audience, but also streamed online via Zoom. If you are unable to attend the presentation in person, The seminar will be held online via Zoom. you can join us via this link
or the meeting ID: 828 0691 1982 and passcode: 206265
Everyone is welcome!
Krisztián Vida, Ramon Brasser