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ODYSSEUS projekt workshop: május 17., 10:00-16:00 között


Tisztelt Tagtársak, Érdeklődők!

Az  ODYSSEUS az EU-RFCS (Horizon-2020) keretében finanszírozott projekt – amelyben magyar partnerként a Pécsi Tudományegyetem és a Calamites Kft.vett részt – záró ülését tartja 2022. május 17-én.
A "Coal-to-liquids supply chain integration in view of operational, economic and environmental risk assessments under unfavourable geological settings" projekt részletes programját alább találják.
A program részvétele ingyenes de regisztrációhoz kötött. Jelentkezni lehet legkésőbb május 14-ig az alábbi e-mail címen.
E-mail: stakeholder_odysseus@gfz-potsdam.de

Stakeholder workshop  

   ● Results of feasibility assessment on Coal-to-Liquids-Supply- Chain implementation for EU coal deposits to produce  chemical feedstock from resources affected by unfavourable  geological conditions 
   ● Laboratory- to demonstration-scale studies and numerical  modelling and simulation analyses addressing two  representative EU study areas (lignite and bituminous coals) 
   ● Presentation of environmental and techno-economic  assessment results as well as elaborated risk assessment  toolkit 
   ● Discussion of best-practice guidelines 

ODYSSEUS aims at  Coal-to-Liquids Supply Chain (CLSC) integration  and  enhanced  assessment  of  operational,  economic  and  environmental  risks during or after mine operation in unfavourable geological settings for  potential  high  coal  production  areas  in  European  medium-  to  low-grade  coal  deposits.  For  that  purpose,  technological  CLSC  integration  and  optimisation  are  the  main  project  tasks,  supported  by  experimental  activities on upgrading coal-derived liquids and by-product beneficiation,  integration of conventional and innovative mine development as well  as enhanced  techno-economic and environmental  risk  management. Best-practices guidelines and workshops will support  decision makers and stakeholders  in   ncreasing   EU-wide   resources  utilisation and employment, while reducing import dependency. 

Agenda - 17 May 2022 

  10:00 – 10:10     Welcome 
  10:10 – 10:25     Project overview (GFZ) 
  10:25 – 11:10     Integration of Coal-to-Liquids Supply Chain technology  (CERTH) 
  11:10 – 11:55     Experimental studies to integrate subsurface coal conversion into the Coal-to-Liquids Supply Chain (GIG) 
  11:55 – 12:40     Demonstration-scale validation of surface coal conversion  integration into Coal-to-Liquids Supply Chain (TUBAF) 
  12:40 – 13:25     Lunch break 
  13:25 – 14:10     Geological assessment, mine development and ecological  restoration (DMT) 
  14:10 – 14:55     Quantification of techno-economic risks and socio-economic footprint (GFZ/CERTH) 
  14:55 – 15:40     Assessment of environmental hazards and risk management (ULEEDS/GFZ/CERTH) 
  15:40 – 16:00     Final workshop discussions and wrap-up 

Vidó Mária