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The redox-dependent fate of sulfur and chalcophile metals in magmatic-hydrothermal systems - online előadás, regisztrálni kell!


Tisztelt Tagtársak, Érdeklődők!

M e g h í v ó

Tisztelettel hívunk minden érdeklődőt a Litoszféra Fluidum Kutató Laboratórium (LRG) online szeminárium sorozatának keretében

Zajacz Zoltán, a Genfi Egyetem (Svájc) docensének előadására: The redox-dependent fate of sulfur and chalcophile metals in magmatic-hydrothermal systems

Helyszín: Zoom (online)
Regisztráció: https://forms.gle/wqYCTHve2pLXh3Cy5
Időpont: 2021. szeptember 20. 17.00 óra

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További információ: 


The redox-dependent fate of sulfur and chalcophile metals in magmatic-hydrothermal systems
Zoltán Zajacz
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva, Rue des Maraichers 13, 1205, Geneva, Switzerland

The presentation will address the role sulfur plays during the evolution of magmatic and hydrothermal systems in a variety of processes that may ultimately determine ore fertility. At first, we will go on short adventure to the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes to explore how crustal thickness and stress regime affect the budget of sulfur and other important ore forming constituents (e.g. Cl, Cu, Au, Ag) in arc magmas by using silicate melt inclusions in minerals. As we will find sulfur to be a key player, I will also address the redox-dependent efficiency of sulfur extraction from magmas and the behavior of sulfur during vapor-liquid immiscibility in high-temperature hydrothermal systems by combining results from high-pressure experiments with model calculations.