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B. Árgyelán Gizella: Risks & Uncertainties: How Can They Be Mitigated in Hydrocarbon Exploration? - online, június 21.
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Tisztelettel hívunk minden érdeklődőt a Litoszféra Fluidum Kutató Laboratórium (LRG) online szeminárium sorozatának keretében
B. Árgyelán Gizella, a MOL Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Nyrt. geológusának előadására: Risks & Uncertainties: How Can They Be Mitigated in Hydrocarbon Exploration?
Helyszín: Zoom (online)
Regisztráció: https://forms.gle/3ZVNa2iKqx3ZYBJQA
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Időpont: 2021. június 21. 17.00
Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!
További információ: csaba.szabo@ttk.elte.hu ; aradi.laszloelod@ttk.elte.hu
Risks & Uncertainties: How Can They Be Mitigated in Hydrocarbon Exploration?
Petroleum Geoscience Advisor, Subsurface & Field Development, MOL GROUP E&P
There are no Exploration & Production (E&P) projects without risks. The “low-hanging fruit” option is over, since the easy-to-find fields have already been discovered. Certain risk levels must be accepted, and upstream specific risks and uncertainties must be mitigated.
This lecture guides you in a revolutionary way, from the scientific waters to the business world of the hydrocarbon industry, with a focus on geosciences throughout the course.
The presentation addresses the following issues:
• What are the main characteristics of Upstream specific risks?
• What does “Risk” mean and what does “Uncertainty” mean in petroleum geoscience?
• Exploration is not a gamble. How can the technical risks be reduced during exploration?
• What is the value of new information?
• What trends can be observed and predicted in hydrocarbon exploration?