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Pintér Zsanett: The composition of melts in the incipient melt regime in upper mantle - online előadás, regisztrálni kell!
Tisztelettel hívunk minden érdeklődőt a Litoszféra Fluidum Kutató Laboratórium (LRG) online szeminárium sorozatának keretében
Pintér Zsanett a Monash University (Melbourne, Ausztrália) posztdoktori kutatójának előadására:
The composition of melts in the incipient melt regime in upper mantle
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Regisztráció: https://forms.gle/jhb4XApDUdvAy4ZW8
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Időpont: 2020. december. 7. 11.00 óra
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További információ: cszabo@elte.hu; aradi.laszloelod@ttk.elte.hu
The composition of melts in the incipient melt regime in upper mantle
Zsanett Pintér (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
The composition of mantle-derived magmas suggests a remarkable variety in the abundances of volatiles of the upper mantle. Volatile components, like H- and C-species (H2O, CO2, CH4, H2), generally depress the melting point of mantle considerably. However, we have little knowledge about these first, incipient melts.
The incipient melts exist in a large temperature range (~300°C) in the upper mantle, but the chemical compositions of these melts are poorly constrained, and therefore the effect of volatiles on the various melt proportions could change the behavior of melt significantly.
Nature provides us with limited samples of primitive mantle-derived melts, which have mostly suffered fractionation or weathering processes. These incipient melts have importance due to the potential to transport large amounts of volatiles and alkalis through the upper mantle and metasomatize the surrounding rocks. In most cases, these metasomatic reactions are complete, where the metasomatic agent can only be inferred, but not observed directly. Therefore, its crucial to characterize the incipient melts with various volatile contents and with various peridotitic compositions to understand the low degree metasomatic melts and its effect on metasomatism and refertilization processes of the upper mantle.
It´s necessary to simplify the picture for studying the primitive melts. Experimental petrology provides better insights into the incipient melting regime in mantle conditions. This seminar aims to fill this knowledge gap by determining the compositions of incipient melts under the influence of various mixtures of the volatile components H2O and CO2, following the oxidized solidus of peridotite. This experimental research (using piston cylinder and multi anvil apparatuses) consist of a systematic study to determine the chemistry of incipient melts using different peridotitic upper mantle rock compositions (from enriched towards depleted peridotites).
In this seminar, Zsanett Pintér will cover (i) an introduction about experimental petrology and its challenges; (ii) melting in upper mantle and (iii) the effects of volatiles (H2O, CO2) on melting. Furthermore, she will highlight some case studies where these silica-poor, volatile-rich melts play key roles in refertilization and diamond formation processes.