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Már olvasható az European Geologist Journal 49. száma az EFG honlapján! Cikkeket várnak a jubileumi 50 füzetbe!
Tisztelt Tagtársak!
Az alábbiakban közöljük az European Geologist journal közleményét, illetve felhívását cikkek beküldésére a jubileumi 50. számhoz!
I would like to inform you that the latest issue of the European Geologist journal (EGJ 49), with the title 'Mineral raw materials in Europe - Chances and challenges for domestic production' is now available at the EFG's website: https://eurogeologists.eu/journal/.
EGJ 50 will be an anniversary issue. That is why the Editorial Board of the journal decided to choose a topic which is essential in terms of the future of our profession. The title of this issue is 'Let's become geologists! Challenges and opportunities in geoscience education in Europe'. It will be published in November 2020. We expect contributions related to the topic.
We plan to focus on challenges and opportunities at higher education and CPD/vocational training. The reason is that harmonisation of teaching programmes at different universities, and mobility of students are important and actual problems, as well as the mining industry with increasing automation, a stronger focus on social and environmental performance and competition for talent. However, articles on good practices at schools are also accepted as the role of schools can be important in raising interest for geology as a profession. Introduction of running or completed educational projects is also possible in the 'Projects' section.
I would like to invite you to submit articles for the 50th issue of the journal. Please send your article proposal first (name of the author(s), working title of the article and a short abstract of about 10 lines) by 15 July 2020 to me (eva.hartai@eurogeologists.eu) and cc María A. López (maria.a.lopez@eurogeologists.eu).
The Editorial Board of EGJ will decide about the acceptance of the article proposals before the end of July and selected articles shall be submitted in their full version by 15 September 2020. The articles will be peer reviewed and also reviewed by a native English speaker. You may find the guidelines for the authors at http://eurogeologists.eu/journal/.