Terms of service
The Hungarian Geological Society (1015 Budapest, Csalogány u 12, em first, referred to as service providers..) Drupal -based devices, web portal (hereinafter referred to as service) use the terms of the agreement between you and the service contract apply. This document describes the conclusion of the contract and to fix some of the terms.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing the conditions Contents of the agreement between you and the service contracts referred to in this document are "terms and conditions" of judicial cooperation, these terms collectively constitute the legal agreement between you and the service provider and to use the service contract contained in this document.
The service can only be used if accepted the terms. You are not entitled to use the service if you do not accept the terms.
The conditions may be adopted as follows:
- During the registration of the "Terms and Conditions read and agree" checkbox;
- using the service. In this case, you agree to the terms and conditions of service as acceptance of use of the Services.
- it is not of legal age and legal capacity laws of the state in which you are domiciled or where the service is used;
- Use of the service is unlawful under the laws of the State in which you are domiciled or where the service is used.
You acknowledge that only the Hungarian conditions prevail in the legal relationship between you and the service provider. If there is a conflict between the Hungarian conditions and any translation, the Hungarian version shall prevail.
The service
The provider of the service does not operate itself, it is provided by other companies on behalf of the service provider. You acknowledge and agree that these companies have to offer the services.
To use the
To use this service you must communicate while using the service or as part of registering certain information (such as information relating to personal identification or contact details, or the service nature of the data). You agree that all information given is accurate, fair and timely.
conditions of service;
and that other state laws, policies and practices generally accepted.
Data Security, Privacy
You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, which you can access the service. Accordingly, you are solely responsible to the operator for all activities, which (to use) occur under your account.
Confidential and personal information
The service related data management and data protection practices, information download and read the opening page of the service at all times, without limitation, "Privacy and data protection statement."
Contents of the service
You understand that all information (data or recorded in all digital forms of information, referred to as content) to which you have access to as part of, or through your use of the service, the person or organization responsible for the state that are created or made available.
The service advertisements and promotions may appear. The service through advertising method, mode and extent of the service provider's discretion, may change without notice. Access to and use of the service in exchange for your help to make the place such advertising on the service provider.
The service may include other web sites or content or resources references. The service no control over any web sites or resources which are provided by the service provider is not related to other companies or individuals.
Materials completeness, accuracy, but calculations have not been met.
In addition to the general rules on content that the user can not continue with the following activities during the use of the service:
the service deliberate disturbance of communication with non-technical means (inappropriate or improper comments to the subject in tone and content publishing, "trolling");
Creating and distributing unsolicited commercial electronic mail (spam) or advertising content;
electronic or other persons levélcímük imitating or impersonating or creating false user accounts;
any web property (including the operator of the well) data mining tools;
Electronic levélcímének anyone selling or making available to third parties without the owner's knowledge and continued consent;
any unlawful, obscene or otherwise objectionable content transmission, disclosure, or offering such activities;
Viral content, corrupted files, the deliberate dissemination or disclosure of false rumors or other harmful or misleading content;
potentially harmful content to minors dissemination or disclosure;
Action on behalf of other persons or content transmitted or made available the source of a false declaration;
others' intellectual property or other proprietary information without the illegal transmission of the owner or licensor's permission;
Use the Service to violate the legal rights;
Promote or encourage illegal activity;
disruption or other users attempted to use the service;
the provider without specific permission from the creation of multiple user access;
the creation of user accounts by automated means of false or fraudulent pretenses or;
for commercial purposes without permission for sale, resell or otherwise exploit or transfer of user accounts;
Changing any part of the service, adapt, translate, or reverse engineer;
the service or its surface appears, copyrights, trademarks, or references and links to other property rights for removal;
Show Reformat or embedded in the structure of any elements of web pages that are part of the service (frames, iframes);
The use of illegal file sharing services.
You acknowledge and agree that all legal right, provider of services, intellectual property rights (irrespective of whether those rights are taken for the registration and regardless of whether those rights exist in that country in the world) including related services . It also recognizes that the service may contain information which is designated as confidential by the provider, and the provider that you do not disclose such information without the prior written permission.
and whether or not they are part of the world may exist). Unless it is between you and the service provider a written contract concluded provides otherwise, you agree that protecting and enforcing those provisions violate the above rights, you are in charge and the service provider is not obliged to do so on your behalf.
or authorized user of logos or which it aims.
Use permit the service provider
The service provides licensed to provide non-personal, territorial and temporal limitations, free and non-exclusive right to use the service you use. You may not copy, reverse engineer, or otherwise try to obtain software for the operation of the service or any part of the source code, you can not create a derivative work from, nor give each other permission to do so. from the above, with the exception of the case when an agreement between you and the service provider gives written agreement or legislation specifically allows or requires an explicit authorization.
License to use Content
transmitted through the service or content made available in connection with the rights holders remains the law of copyright and other legislation. You acknowledge and authorize that, when taken within the provision of the service to users of the service for technical steps:
transmit or distribute the content that you use through various public networks and in various media;
any changes to the contents of which are necessary given the content of connecting networks, devices and services to meet the technical requirements.
The termination of the legal relationship
The terms and conditions apply as long as you or your service is eradicated, according to those below. If you want to cancel his contract with the service provider, you can do so:
by giving notice to the service provider;
and to eliminating the access that is being used and for which the service provider has provided you the possibility of termination.
You have breached any provision of the Terms (or have acted in clearly leads to the conclusion that it is not willing or unable to comply with the provisions of the Terms);
Based on the legislation provider is obliged to do so (for example, if the service is provided to you by unlawful or becomes unlawful);
a partner that can help you with the service provided by the service provider has terminated the existing contract, or has decided to no longer providing the service to you;
the provider decides to terminate the provision of services in the state in which you are resident or from which you are using the service;
the provider's discretion, no longer commercially viable to provide services to you.
Warranties, Liability
Disclaimer of warranties
The service provider shall provide the service in the current form at your disposal, and neither the provider nor subcontractors and other contractual partners, nor the right to use taxes do not assume liability him.
charges for services meets the requirements set by you;
charges for services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free;
Information obtained by using the service are accurate and reliable, and
As part of the service are generated by the software provided your disposal operation errors corrected.
These terms do not affect the rights that you enjoy as a consumer, or that you can not change your contract or agreement which it can not abandon.
Limitation of Liability
The present conditions are not one of the provisions rule out the provider's liability for damages, which is causing a responsibility under the applicable law can not be excluded or limited. considering the content of the preceding paragraph, the providers, contractors and other contractors, as well as the right to use taxes are not responsible to You:
any direct or indirect damages that you have incurred. This includes all (directly or indirectly incurred) loss of profits, goodwill or injury to business reputation, or data loss;
for any loss or damage which may arise due to you are as follows:
You are full of the date of service, but the service did not comply with the calculations, or if you suffered loss or damage to the relationship between you and any third person or entity, or result of a transaction or a service which appears;
Any, performed by the provider of the service changes or service (or a function) on a permanent or temporary basis to eliminate;
Through the use of its service or guarded, transmitted or made available Content or other communications data deletion, damaging, failure to save;
You missed the service provider to provide the access to the authoritative information;
You missed the password, or information about the access to be kept secret and confidential to preserve.
Trademarks and copyrights
According to the rules relating to trade marks and copyright protection service of any notices of violation of copyright or trademark answered that meets governed by rules relating to trade marks and intellectual property rights and eliminate the access of repeat infringers.
Changes to Terms
The service provider can change the terms of use without restriction. In this case, the service provider makes available a new version of the terms and conditions on the opening page of the service, and to make available to you within the service or through it.
General Legal Terms
You may find that you use the services of a third person or body when using the service (as a result of or during) or those downloaded software, or purchase goods. These services, software or goods in terms of the legal agreement between you and the person or entity concerned a separate agreement shall prevail. In this case, these terms do not affect the relationship between you and such persons or entities legal rights.