Education and Training
This a relatively young Section of the Society: it was formally established on April 18, 1997. Its predecessor was the Commission on Education of the Society. It takes steps to attain that Geology should be an independent subject in primary and secondary education. In the framework of science popularizing activities collections of minerals and rocks are made for primary and secondary schools. It is planned to publish an independent journal of the Section, called Földtudományi Szemle (Earth Science Review). Its first issue came out in 2000.
The Direction in the period 2015-2018:
President: Ferenc Mádai
Secretary: Katalin Gherdán
Direction members: Edit Babinszki, Károly Brezsnyánszky, Árpád Csámer, István Főzy, Réka Lukács Haranginé, Éva Hartai, Péter Prakfalvi, Tamás Weiszburg
The Direction in the period 2012-2015:
President: Éva Hartai
Secretary: Norbert Németh
Direction members: Attila Barczi, Károly Brezsnyánszky, Árpád Dávid, István Főzy, János Kovács, Elemér Molnár Pál, Péter Rózsa, Ákos Török, Tamás Weiszburg
The Direction in the period 2009-2015:
President: Éva Hartai
Secretary: Norbert Németh
Direction members: Attila Barczi, Károly Brezsnyánszky, Árpád Dávid, István Főzy, János Kovács, Elemér Molnár Pál, Péter Rózsa, Ákos Török, Tamás Weiszburg