Palaeontology and Stratigraphy

Its task is to gather those members of the Society who are interested in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, to provide them with opportunities of lectures and excursions, and to represent the interest of these disciplines within the Society.

The Direction in the period 2015-2018:
Imre Magyar
Secretary: Mariann Bosnakoff
Direction members: Réka Emese Bodor, Attila Ősi, József Pálfy, EmőkeTóth, Attila Virág

The Direction in the period 2012-2015:
President: Alfréd Dulai
Secretary: Attila Ősi
Direction members: István Főzy, András Galácz, Lilla Hably, József Pálfy, Attila Vörös

The Direction in the period 2009-2012:
President: Alfréd Dulai
Secretary: Attila Ősi
Direction members: István Főzy, András Galácz, Lilla Hably, József Pálfy, Ottilia Szives, Attila Vörös