Meghosszabbított absztrakt beküldési határidő RawMat2023


Kedves Tagtársak!

A RawMat2023 konferencia early bird regisztrációja május 31-ig tart. Május 31-ig meghosszabbították az absztraktok benyújtási határidejét is.

RawMat2023: Extended deadline for abstract submission


Dear RawMat2023 Conference Participants,

We are excited to announce that due to the overwhelming interest in the Conference, and numerous requests from authors, we have decided to extend the deadline for abstract submission to May 31st, 2023.

We understand that many of you have professional commitments and deadlines to meet, and we want to provide you with sufficient time to prepare and submit your abstracts. The extended deadline will allow you to thoroughly develop your research and submit your abstracts with confidence.

We encourage all authors to take advantage of this extension and submit their abstracts as early as possible. This will provide our review committee with sufficient time to evaluate each submission thoroughly.

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts through the RawMat2023 website using the Microsoft CMT conference management system. For abstracts submission and guidelines please click this link:

Don't forget to take advantage of the early bird registration ending on May 31st, 2023.

More information about the conference can be found in the RawMat2023 official website

Thank you for your continued interest and support for RawMat2023 Conference. We look forward to receiving your submissions and welcoming you to the conference.