Az INFACT projekt online fóruma: december 3-4. Can mining make the world a greener place? Regisztrálni kell!


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Az EFG H2020 projektje az INFACT, amely új, környezetbarát ásványianyag-kutatási módszerek kidolgozását célozta meg, hamarosan befejeződik.

December 3-4-én online fórumot tartanak "Can mining make the world a greener place?" címmel

Regisztráció szükséges! Az eseményről alább tájékozódhatnak

About the event

We all share a vision of a world in which people and nature thrive. To meet this goal, and following growing public pressure, the European Commission launched a Green Deal – a roadmap for radical change to the way our economies function. The Green Deal must be supported by changes to our technologies and this transformation will be underpinned by critical raw materials most of which, at first, must be sourced from natural resources.

​Of course, developing an ongoing sustainable circular economy is the ultimate goal, but recycling cannot yet provide for the specific and urgent demands of energy transition and green growth. A new and holistic strategy is needed to source these materials whilst minimising environmental impacts, putting wider society first and delivering on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This challenge includes competition on land and in the oceans between mineral extraction, other human activities and society’s values whilst protecting the ecosystem. A sustainable solution can only be achieved through dialogue, and all stakeholders must engage to define a framework for acceptable sourcing of raw materials.

​The EU H2020 funded INFACT and PACIFIC projects together with the Natural History Museum are proud to announce an event for December 3-4th 2020, where the public and representatives from NGOs, industry and research will interact and discuss these challenges.  This is a critical step in understanding how, together, we can bring about change and deliver a more sustainable future.

​The discussions will cover:

   -  the increasing need of raw materials for green energy supply
   - critical metals for e-mobility (electric transport)
   -  the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and implications for raw materials demand
   -  limits of the recycling (Circular Economy)
   -  creating shared values and developing a role for society in deciding how mining might help to deliver United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
    (eg. Social licence to operate -SLO-, participation, regulation etc.)
   -  the question of a sustainable future for mineral production (automation, decarbonisation, "invisible" mines, digitalisation, information and communications technology)

​Moderated forum will allow participants and the public to form unbiased and informed opinions.